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Education Sessions


Our personal approach also includes continuing to educate the owners and Strata Committee Members. We see this as a fundamental role being your Strata Managers and ensuring that we are spending quality time with our clients and educating them about Strata Living.


We do this a number of ways, one of which is provide clear and concise advice and recommendations to the Owners Corporation and that of the Strata Committee.


This may be in relation to how to take action against an owner or occupier breaching the by-laws, providing advice on take action against the builder in relation to defective works or when and why certain meetings are required to be called to pass certain resolutions.


We feel educating owners and Strata Committee Members is an important part of our role as Strata Managers. 


At Foreshew Strata Agency we can arrange an Information Session/Induction to discuss an array of topics about Strata Living.


Some of the Strata Living sessions we can cover include:


Strata Living

Which covers:


  • Role of the Strata Manager

  • Role of the Strata Committee and meeting facilitation

  • What is common property and what is personal property

  • Understanding the by-laws and how to enforce the by-laws


Who's Responsible Guide

An informative guide which identifies areas of common property and personal property which is categorised.


In the information session we run through the various area's of common property and what the Owners Corporation is responsible for.


Frequently Asked Questions

We run through a list of the most Frequently Asked Questions about Strata Living.


This is a broad based session covering everything from by-laws, meeting requirements, how to handle approval requests, who is responsible for pruning trees in courtyard, diving fences and much more.


We have electronic booklets to hand out to our clients covering all the above topics.



Young Student in Library
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