Who is responsible?
If you own or reside within a strata scheme, you typically wonder who is responsible for the repair and maintenance of items at the complex. In most strata schemes, the lot owner is responsible for everything located within the airspace of their unit. The Owners corporation is then responsible for the repair and maintenance of the common property.
The “Common Property” is formally defined under the Strata Scheme Development Act 2015 – Sect 4 “In relation to a strata scheme or a proposed strata scheme, means any part of a parcel that is not comprised in a lot including any common infrastructure that is not part of a lot”.
This means an individual owner would be responsible for repairs to a leaking shower head as it located with the lots airspace. Whilst the Owners corporation will be responsible for the plumbing pipes located within the walls as they do not form part of the lots airspace.
Our office encourages all lot Owners, tenants and agents to first notify our office or a member of the strata committee about the problem. If the problem is a minor repair, it maybe able to be repaired without the need for a meeting. If there’s a major problem, a meeting of the strata committee or the owners corporation may be required to authorise the necessary works due financial or legislative restrictions.
Our office still recommends that all Owners, Tenants and Property managers utilise Strata Community Australia (NSW) “Who's Responsible Guide” when assessing and determining the responsibility for repair. Please contact our office on NEWS@foreshewstrata.com.au to request your copy.
Our office has compiled a list of the commonly requested responsible.
Item Responsible
Leaking Pipes under the Sink Owner
Toilet Cistern/Bowl Owner
Paint Work Owner
Entrance Door to Unit Owners Corporation
Blocked floor drain/sewer Owners Corporation
Intercom Handsets Owners Corporation
Keys/remotes/swipes Owners
Door handle lock (entrance door) Owners Corporation
Door Dead lock (entrance door) Owners
Internal Doors Owners
Carpets/flooring Owners
Taps and Washers (Screeching Pipes) Owners
Lights Bulbs/Down Lights Owners
Bath tub - Plug and Waste Owners